A-Z of Conditions

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Roacuttane (Isotretinion) is an internal drug prescribed for severe or resistant acne. Roacuttane (Isotretinoin) is an internal drug prescribed for severe or resistant acne. The medication can only be prescribed by a dermatologist in the UK. It is prescribed for patients with severe acne where other treatments have failed. Patients are closely monitored during the […]


Use the Body Map to narrow your search A rash can be caused by a wide variety of complaint, Use the Body Map to narrow your search.

Rodent Ulcer

Please see basal cell carcinoma. Basal Cell Carcinoma, This condition also known as a "rodent ulcer" is the commonest skin cancer. It is usually not very serious, but does need an expert to treat it. The great majority of these lesions do not spread anywhere else and can be treated on the skin surface relatively […]


This is a very common condition of adult life. The face and nose are the commonest sites. This is a very common condition of adult life. The face and nose are the commonest sites. Redness, some swelling, a feeling of fullness or burning, and a tendency to flushing are the main features. Some patients get […]
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