A-Z of Conditions

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Thread Veins

Microsclerotherapy is a highly effective treatment used to remove thread veins, fine blood vessels that appear close to the skin. The veins can be red, blue or purple in colour and can be found over the calves, ankles and thighs. Often they present as defined spidery threads, or collectively they can appear as congested areas […]

Telogen Effluvium

Reduced hair loss across the whole scalp following pregnancy or an illness. ~Reduced hair loss across the whole scalp following pregnancy or an illness. This name refers to widespread hair thinning following a major medical event. The most common such event is pregnancy and giving birth. Other such events include any serious illness or operation. […]


Thrush is the common name for candida


Tinea refers to a fungal infection of the skin the most common of which is athletes foot but this can occur on other body sites as well - tinea can also affect the scalp where it is known as Kerion. Tinea refers to a fungal infection of the skin the most common of which is […]
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